Floods Properties & Developments has been granted planning permission for a mixed-use scheme at Queensferry Industrial Estate in North Wales.

Queensferry Industrial Estate is an existing multi let industrial estate and the development will take place on an area of currently vacant land at the front of the site. Approval has been given for a 4,000 sq ft convenience store, pre-let to the Co-Op, and two trade / industrial units, one of which has been pre-let to Tool Station.
The project team includes NWD Architects (architect and project manager); Cadnant Planning and Weetwood flood risk modelling specialist.
Speaking about the scheme, Tom Creer, associate director at Legat Owen, sole agent for the scheme, commented: “Securing pre-lets at this stage demonstrates the demand we are seeing for this location. Co-Op previously occupied a smaller store up the road but took the decision to relocate to provide their customers with an improved shopping experience with wider aisles and a larger car park. Tool Station had a long-standing requirement for this area, and we were pleased to have secured both operators so early on in the process.
“With planning now secured our client’s intention is to deliver the scheme during Q2 2021. We will shortly be bringing forward the second unit to the market on a leasehold basis.”
Adept Consultancy represented Tool Station. Co-Op represented themselves.