Local dignitaries from Rugby Borough Council joined Tritax Symmetry, main contractor Winvic and the wider project team to mark the official start of construction at Symmetry Park Rugby.

The announcement comes after Iron Mountain committed to take 963,892 sq ft which will become its first UK campus to offer its wide range of services.
Winvic has been appointed to deliver the first two units comprising 320,682 sq ft which are due for completion in Q2 next year and will be built to net zero carbon in construction.
Speaking about the milestone, Joseph Skinner, associate development director at Tritax Symmetry, commented: “We are pleased to have been able to push forward with the delivery of this first phase with a pre-let secured to an occupier with an excellent covenant. We would like to thank Rugby Borough Council and the project team for the proactive way in which they have helped facilitate the development of Symmetry Park from the initial planning stages to where we are today.”
Nicola Smith, Chief Officer Growth and Investment at RBC: “The Council has been working closely with Tritax Symmetry over a number of years, on the detailed proposals for the development of this site. Commencement on this site is important to the build out of the sustainable urban extension at South West Rugby and to support new jobs and opportunities in the Borough.”
Ian Picker Portfolio Holder Growth and Investment “It’s great to see a start on this new strategic site at the South West Rugby development. This shows that here, at the heart of the country, we are open for business and succeeding in attracting jobs and growth as we look to the future after the challenges of recent years.”
Winvic’s Director of Industrial, Danny Nelson, commented: “We have a longstanding history with Tritax Symmetry so it’s great to be working with their industrial team once more to design and construct two facilities at Symmetry Park in Rugby, which will be complete in Spring 2023.”
Symmetry Park Rugby has outline planning permission from Rugby Borough Council (RBC) for up to 2 million sq ft of employment space on the 111-acre site, which is located on the M45/A45 strategic highway link. The wider South West Rugby Urban Extension will provide up to 5,000 new homes on land adjacent to Symmetry Park.
Colliers, M1 and Avison Young are joint letting agents for the scheme.